A Desire to Understand

Published on: 2011-05-21 01:28:53


So often we get frustrated by others who have a view different than our own. Maybe you are a “conservative” and other people tend to classify you as a religious zealot and a Tea Party loyalist. Or maybe you are “progressive” and people tend to look at your sort as an elitist who sees the World through “rose colored glasses”. But most likely you are neither of these, because you are uniquely you.

But when when we classify people into groups like this, we do it to ourselves. Each person is unique. While some people may seem to “follow like sheep” at times, it is easy to automatically make assumptions that are incorrect. I would like to offer a different approach...

Try to understand why people think the way they do. Don’t just make the assumption they are wrong, and start running through all the reason in your mind why they are wrong. That in itself can take us one step away from understanding people and crossing bridges that seemed impassable.

People are right in their own mind. They have reasons why they think the way they do, and often they have very good reasons! If we were to understand those reasons more clearly, we could better see the strength of their position, as well as strengthen our own understanding. Let’s stop treating people as aliens from another planet. The sooner we can do that, the faster we will come together and come to share a more beautiful world.

Best wishes to all!



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