Loss of American Individualism

Published on: 2011-05-16 21:25:55


In today’s society there is often a feeling that there is something missing, but we just can’t seem to pinpoint it. The Tea Party wants government out of our lives, and the Coffee Party wants corporations to pay their share. Millions if not billions of dollars go into think tanks and lobbying groups to help sway public opinion. So much goes into convincing us who we should be as individuals that we are left confused.

We forget that we are individuals with our own unique experiences. Each of us has a story to share that is like no other. But political parties and marketing agencies would like to convince us that we are not individuals but numbers that correspond to data sets that they can dissect and manipulate. Unfortunately, there is some truth to this, but maybe this can change as we wake up and realize we are individuals.

In order to “wake up” we must spend some time unplugged from the Matrix. Turn off the television. Disconnect from the internet. Put away the newspaper. Spend some time each day thinking of those things that are uniquely “you”. SIng a song. Write. Talk with friends. Go for a walk. Do those things that can help better find out who you are as a person. What makes that person happy? What brings about a sense of fulfillment in life?

I think most likely you will find that your happiness does not depend on shopping at Wal-mart, staying in touch with the latest news, or owning the latest gadget. Many of those things you enjoy the most likely don’t require any money. These bringers of happiness might include walking, writing, singing, dancing, or talking with friends. The music you want to listen to might not be just what record labels tell you is the latest and the greatest, but rather a song that brings about a special feeling like no other.



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