Who Benefits from NOT Legalizing Cannabis

Published on: 2011-05-16 22:07:01


There are some good reasons why we should not legalize Cannabis or marijuana, and often we get some distortion as groups who would benefit by keeping this drug illegal also wield strong lobbying power to help make sure those reasons are the rule of the day.

Beneficiary #1 - Gun Makers

Mexican police report that 90% of the guns seized from drug gangs come from American gun manufacturers. Moreover, gun shops nearer to the border regularly make sales to customers who request multiple weapons, sometimes dozens of weapons. So long as customers provide documentation and pass background checks, the gun shop gets their money, the gun maker gets their money, and everybody is happy, except of course those towns in Mexico that live in constant lawlessness and fear.

Beneficiary #2 - Prisons

America has seen a massive privatization of the prison system over the last few decades. Private prison companies are more than happy to build more space to house Americans caught with marijuana, as profits are very much related to the number of people they are able to amass behind bars. The stricter the laws about possession, the more these private prisons benefit. Studies show that 42% of Americans have tried pot at some point in their lives. Obviously, we don’t want 42% of Americans to serve a prison sentence, do we?

Beneficiary #3 - Drug Cartels

This one is the most obvious. The more states that keep marijuana illegal, the more business there is for drug cartels.

As you think about the legalization issue, think about who benefits by keeping the drug illegal too.



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