Palin's E-Mail

Published on: 2011-06-11 06:10:55

In a mad frenzy, reports stormed the front steps of the Alaska State Capitol today to be in line for what was a similar frenzy to the release of the iPad or iPhone, but nothing quite so exciting.  What did they gather for, well, Sarah Palin’s emails while she was Governor of the state of Alaska.  24,000 emails were provided to reporters and whomever else wanted them in response to a Freedom of Information Request someone filed requesting access to these files.  In a somewhat odd and most anti-environmental move, the State of Alaska provided these emails, but in paper form.  This author has perused some of the emails to try and determine what in the world we would want Sarah Palin’s emails from her tenure as Governor.  Well, I can honestly say that there was not very much exciting information.  Most were just boring day to day conversations some of her staff had without really any feedback from her.

Whether the news agencies who are scouring these emails find anything of interest is of no consequence to me.  She is no longer a public official, she is not running for President (yet) and if there is anything found, people will just believe it to be a smear campaign against a powerful woman who also happens to be a Republican.  Damn that liberal media.  

My question is this:  What do you think they hope to find in these 24,000 emails that is going to be of any substance.  Furthermore are we such a voyeuristic nation that we care about the day to day operations of a former Governor?  I guess so.

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