The Political Sex Scandal

Published on: 2011-06-12 02:53:16

Oh the political sex scandal.  It seems that American politics is rife with political sex scandals.  Most recently Rep. Anthony Weiner (pronounced why-nar, not what you might think) sent photos of his “package” to a girl in Washington State.  Prior to his indiscretions, we were filled with news about Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and his long term affair and secret child, under his wife’s nose, with the family’s housekeeper.  There was Eliot Spitzer who rendezvoused with a $1,000 AN HOUR call girl.  John Edwards who cheated on his dying wife and former New Jersey Governory McGreevey, who announced he had an adulterous affair with a man on his staff.  And of course, one of the more famous, President Bill Clinton.  Now, some might ask, “What is it about these men?”  Others might say, its just men behaving as men; its just a testosterone-induced connection between sex and power.  Whatever the case may be, should these men maintain their positions in high office as the Representatives we ask them to be?  There have been some, most notably Bill Clinton, who have survived their sex scandals and ended their role as an elected official on a high note.  There are others, like Eliot Spitzer, whom have resigned fairly soon after the affair came to light.  I’m the first to admit that Bill Clinton was one of our better Presidents, but does that mean he should be the representative going around the world shaking hands with other leaders and being our Representative to those nations.  Does that cast a bad picture of America in general?  

Some questions to think about:
Should we hold our elected officials to a higher standard because they are our Representatives to the Nation and World?  
Is this just a case of men being men; 50% of men have extramarital affairs in the United States, is the number just representative of those holding elected office?

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