Should Foreign Workers be able to Sue American Corporations?

Published on: 2012-06-04 21:41:58


banana Over the last two decades thousands of workers have sued companies like Del Monte, Dole and Dow Chemical for being exposed to dangerous chemicals when handling bananas. Pesticides were sprayed on the fruit and the workers did not have adequate protection. The workers were not able to bring suit. The employers have been very successful in getting the lawsuits thrown out.

If it is so easy to bypass laws by hiring in other countries, that would mean there is less potential liability for these companies if they purposely hire workers that can be exploited. That way if they don’t do things like treat them right, protect them or insure them, it is a financial win for the employers.

Do you think employers of these workers should be able to be sued here in America?

You can read about the most recent case here on Bloomberg, which appears could actually see its day in court. And here is a video that goes into more detail about what has been happening.


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