The Downfall of Weiner

Published on: 2011-06-18 08:18:38

Former Representative Anthony Weiner formally resigned this week after a somewhat troubling picture of his “package” surfaced online and leaders of both political parties calling for his resignation.  Now a special election will be held to replace one of the rising stars in the Democratic caucus.  I don’t think this is how it should have been.  

While I most certainly do not condone his actions, I also feel as though it does not detract from the job he has nor will do as a Representative in the United States Congress.  Just look at former President Clinton after the Monica Lewinsky scandal.  He continued on in office and could be argued one of the better Presidents of the 20th Century.  Could Weiner have done the same?  That’s an answer we will never know.  

While I understand why Democrats did not call on President Clinton to resign his office after the Lewinsky affair, I feel that they should have stood up for Weiner rather than telling him to resign.  Again, I’m not condoning his actions, but I feel that Democrats are so afraid of their own shadows that any controversy that might tarnish their fragile image they distance themselves so quickly from its jaw dropping.  Democrats most likely felt that if they stood up for Weiner that Republican’s would use the scandal against them in upcoming elections.  What I think they fail to see is that the Republican Part will, no matter what, use this scandal against the Democrats.  What I feel should have happened is: Rep Weiner apologize profusely for his indiscretions and call for a special election to replace him.  A special election that he would participate in. Therefore the people whom he represents can choose whether or not they want him in office.  To me, that is the democratic way to go about things.

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