Switching from ChatGPT to Google Gemini

Over the last two weeks, I’ve started to make some websites and apps using ChatGPT, and I’ve been very excited about it, but there have been some problems using ChatGPT. Sometimes it will just keep repeating the same mistakes again and again, even after you tell it about the mistake, so tonight I started using Gemini and tested it out on a mistake that ChatGPT was making.The mistake was that I asked it to make a text box that uses the CK editor, and every time it generated the code, it would reference a CDN file that was no longer in existence. It did this multiple times, even after I told it about the mistake, I wasted my time sometimes not noticing that it made...

Market Should Hit 16,000 in 2013

It is easy to see the market rise, and then see this as a reason to hold and not buy. We've been in turbulent times and people are a little hesitant to take risk. However, there are some very strong reasons why the market should continue its climb for quite some time. Fixed income returns are at extreme lows. If you want to buy a 5 year CD right now, the interest rate will be less than 2%, and US treasuries are even lower. In the coming months as CDs become ready for renewal, many will hesitate before committing to a new 5 year term at less than 2%. Instead many will choose equities where returns could be much higher. An more money gets put in...

Reasons the Economy will not go into Recession Soon

There are always people predicting we are heading into a recession or depression. I saw one article claiming Warren Buffet was ditching all his American stocks, as was John Paulson. One thing to bear in mind is confidence is one of the main drivers of the economy. When people are confident they can spend money, the money flows and circulates through the economy. Here are a few reasons to be positive: 1. House prices keeping going up and in many markets there is a need for more houses and that means more jobs. 2. The unemployment rate keeps falling. The participation rate has fallen too, but new jobs being created is rising now. With more people working, that means more people to spend money. 3. Gold has fallen. This...

The Debt Ceiling and the Market

We all know the debt ceiling will be raised, but between now and the time it is raised will be some swings in the market. If you were a lobbyist or a Congressman that could bring about uncertaintly, you could short the fall when you create fear in the market, and buy before the setllement is reached. One has to wonder if this is something that has been purposely transpiring in the halls of Congress for years, as well as with the firms who have lobbyists within earshot of Congressmen.  The good thing is everyone knows the game. Let's see what happens this time, and watch for people trying to game the process for the sake of profits. Will it be a last minute deal again that...

The Myth about Job Creation

If we are going to turn our economy around, we need realize what creates jobs. If it were true tax cuts for the rich created jobs, then we should be swimming in jobs right now. The word "job creator" when applied to the wealthy is a sort of deification bestowed that is misleading at best. If the middle class had the same share of the income as they did in 1970, they would be making about $92,000/year on average today. We have been living in a fantasy about job creators, and our understanding needs to change....

Inflation and the National Debt

As the economy gets stronger, the debt problem will be more easily solved. Some of it will happen naturally, as there is inflation in home prices and wages. It will make the value of the debt less, and the ability to pay greater. Austerity creates near deflation, and that makes the value of money for the most wealthy the strongest, and that is why they support austerity. Inflation created by a healthy economy brings up home prices and wages, and that is why the middle class "should" want this. There is another type of inflation created by scarcity which again is side effect of austerity. When people are competing for products because there wages are increasing that is the type of inflation we want, and...

Lee Atwater on a Racist Strategy for the Republican Party

Lee Atwater was a republican strategist for the Republican party for Reagan and Bush and here is a recently released tape of how he saw a developing strategy of racism that would be more subtle, and we very much observed this same strategy in the Obama/Romney election. It's time for people to admit there is more racism at play here. Appealing to people's racism is just wrong....

Obama Being Elected and the Worst of your Fears Coming True

It's worse than you thought now that Obama is elected! Get ready, because there is a lot you didn't know   ...

Romney, FEMA and the Olympics

Romney was a HUGE proponent and recipient of government spending for the Olympics at the local, state and federal levels. His plan must be to send Olympians to restore the damage, and he will be sure and let you know more about this plan AFTER the election. You need to recognize that things like tax returns, and records at Bain, the Olympics and as Governor of Massachusetts are none of YOUR business. As a matter of fact, they are HIS business, because this is how he makes so much money, such as the profits of 3000% on the auto bailout money or on the outsourcing of jobs. If he were to tell you more, it would reveal important secrets, and remember business is his specialty,...

Racism and Why I cannot vote Republican

The acceptance of racism through silence while others spread racist propaganda is the #1 reason I will not support a Republican candidate for office. The silence is deafening. We have worked too hard. People have died for the dream of equality. Until the Republican party takes a strong stance against racism, I cannot support their candidates. I'm proud to live at a time when America got its first African American president, who was running against a women in the same party. As we come to accept we are all in this together, we can look forward to an amazing future of increased prosperity and peace. That time could be just around the corner and we can't turn back now. Let us not be taught to fear...